MIL-DTL-6054G Dimension examination. Examination shall be made of the end item to determine compliance with dimensional requirements.
Any dimension not within specified tolerance shall be classified as a defect (see 3.4.5). Testing of the end item. Two drums of the same size shall be selected at random from each lot and tested as specified in 4.5.1,
4.5.2, and 4.5.3. Failure of any drum to pass these tests shall be cause for rejection of the lot (see 3.6).
4.5 Performance tests.
4.5.1 Strength and air leak test. This test shall be performed by the use of semi-hydrostatic pressure technique as
prescribed in procedure A ( or procedure B ( The semi-hydrostatic pressure test of procedure A is mandatory for all drums
with less than 15.5 inch diameters. When it is not feasible for larger diameter drums to be submerged in a water tank, procedure B shall be
used (see 3.6). Test specimen preparation. The test specimen shall have a suitable air connection installed in the removable cover. The drum
body shall be filled with water to 98% of its capacity. The removable cover with air connection shall have a supply air hose attached to the
air connection. The cover shall then be sealed on the drum in accordance with the procedure outlined in A3.1 or A3.2 of Appendix A (see
3.6). Procedure A. The assembled test specimen shall be submerged 1 to 2 inches under water and air pressure slowly applied until
the required pressure (see as measured by a suitable pressure gage, is reached. After the test specimen is pressurized to the
specified pressure, close the line to the compressed air supply leaving the gage connected so that any drop in pressure may be noted. The
drum shall be turned in the water so that the top, bottom, and body seams can be observed for air leakage. Any loss in pressure or detection
of bubbles which indicate leakage is cause for rejection (see 3.6). Procedure B. Prepare the test specimen as prescribed in The assembled test specimen shall be pressurized to the
specified pressure required for the diameter drum (see Close the compressed air supply line but leave the pressure gage connected
to the specimen. Record the initial pressure and maintain for five minutes. Coat all seams, joints and other similar areas with a bubble-
supporting film. Turn specimen so that all surfaces may be observed for leakage. Record the final gage pressure. If there is a loss in
pressure and no leaks were detected by bubbles, repeat the bubble supporting film operation to find any leaks not detected initially. Any
evidence of leakage is cause for rejection (see 3.6). Pressure requirements. The applicable pressures required to conduct the tests shall be as follows (see 3.6).
Pounds per square inch
Drum diameters (inches)
4.5.2 Rough handling test. Test load. A test load shall be constructed of an assembly of wooden or metal components having an overall diameter and
overall length two inches less than the diameter and length respectively of the test drum. The test load shall be rigidly assembled by
bolting or other suitable means and in such a way that the weight is evenly distributed (see 3.6). Specimen preparation. The test drum shall have an air connection installed. The test load shall be inserted into the drum and
braced and cushioned in such a manner as to prevent damage to the drum by shifting of the test load. Cushioning material conforming to
PPP-C-1120, Type IV, shall be used to support the test load on all faces. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2) the gross weight of the test
load including the weight of the bracing, cushioning, and drum assembly shall be equal to the minimum gross weight of loaded drums
specified in Table III. The drum shall then be closed in accordance with the procedure outline in A3.1 or A3.2 of Appendix A. Each drum
shall be vertically quartered by marking with a chalk or crayon (see 3.6). Procedure. Perform a free-fall drop alternately on each end as specified in Table III. Drop drum so it impacts on the
circumference of the top and bottom at crayon/chalk quartering lines. Make sure the center of gravity of the drum is directly above the
point of impact. Allow drum to come to rest on its own volition after each drop. After the final drop pressurize drum to 4 PSI and test for
leaks per 4.5.1 (see 3.6)..
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